Answer: Please bring the following items to the LiveScan office:
- Bcii 8016 “request for Livescan” Service Form (3 Completed Copies)
- Social Security Number
- Passport
- California Driver’s License
- California DMV ID Card
- Out-of-state Driver’s License
- Alien Registration / Immigration Green Card
- Military ID Card
- Mexican Consulate ID Card (Matricula Consular De Alta Seguridad)
Answer: Yes. The Department of Justice has strict policies and procedures when it comes to the care and safety of citizens’ (applicants’) personal information. A reputable LiveScan service provider, by law, must adhere to these rules. All LiveScan systems are to be stored in a locked and secure area. Fingerprint records may not remain on a LiveScan system beyond 40 days — they must be purged. Applicant LiveScan forms must be stored in a secure, locked area. After a designated time, the expired forms must be shredded — not dumped in the trash — and disposed of.
Answer: No. An organization, employer, and/or licensing agency must be authorized by the Department of Justice (DOJ) to submit applicant fingerprints for background checks. There must be a mandated requirement based upon the type of business the organization, employer, and/or licensing agency conducts to obtain authorization.
Answer: No. Once your fingerprint record has been processed, and your suitability for licensing and/or employment have been reported to your Referring Agency, your fingerprint record is deleted. The only civilian fingerprint records kept on file are those belonging to convicted felons.
Answer: Yes. Our state-of-the-art mobile LiveScan Service can come to you. Please call (760) 480-6900 to set up a group session. Groups of 10 or more applicants can be served at your company, agency, or special location.
Answer: No appointment necessary. Many times we will take your fingerprints immediately. The average wait is 7 minutes. Walk-in for no-hassle, friendly processing.
Answer: AAA LiveScan has relationships with hundreds of agencies and organizations throughout Southern California. We value our clients and provide you prompt transmission reports and assistance. If you have ongoing LiveScan needs, we can process new hires and/or volunteers on an ongoing basis by creating a billing account just for you. Please call (760) 480-6900 for more information.
Answer: We are proud to serve a long list of professionals, applicants, and industries. AAA is one of the original LiveScan operators in Southern California and has a high rate of repeat business. We’re friendly, highly trained, and dedicated to flawless and secure fingerprinting. Here are some of the communities we’ve built relationships with: -Local state, and government agencies
- The Courts
- Lawyers
- Department of Social Services Controlled Facilities
- Contractors
- Real Estate Professionals and Appraisers
- DMV Licensed Professionals
- Adoption
- Security Guards
- Registered Nurse/RNs
- Doctors, Surgeons, and Other Medical Professionals
- Teachers
- Caregivers
- Volunteers
- Non-profits